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Friday, April 29, 2011

88 Miles in 31 Days

It's time for walking!

So listen...the working-out-every-day-for-7-days-for-thirty-minutes challenge isn't really going so well (I am getting my water in, though. I didn't work out again last night. But don't worry! I'm not giving up on gettin my fitness in - I'm just going to re-vamp my challenge it a little. See the ticker at the bottom? I'm going to walk 88 miles in May! Why 88? I have a Walk Off The Pounds video (yes I said video) that is an hour long and 4 miles. I'm thinking if I do the video 5 days a week (or every business day) I will get in all my miles. I'm not restricting myself to only the video. I may walk lots of places. 


Here (a girl can dream):

And let's all pray I don't have to walk here:

Did you see my other tracker at the top? That's my Pounds to Lose tracker. 303...

Betcha didn't think I that phat - didja? DIDJA?

Don't answer that. Now - the reason it says 47.2 lbs. as apposed to the 14.4 lbs. I told you all a few days ago is because I've lost a little weight just living the last year or so. But since I've actually started being healthy and stuff - I've lost 16.6 lbs. (2 more pounds down this week!). 

I'm on my way, people! 

My weekend plans? Tonight - we're watching the NFL Draft, tomorrow - Draft, Sunday - dinner/lunch with my parents. And I will hopefully put a dent in those 88 miles over the weekend!

 Have a fabulous weekend, everybody! 

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Yesterday, I drank 140oz of water - which is 40 over my goal! Does that make up for not working out yesterday (I didn't feel well - I had a cold [excuse alert])? 


It's 1:41pm and I'm on my 4th bottle (80oz) of water. I feel like this...

but with hair. 

I've been thinking lately of the relationship between celebrating and food. Think about it - most everyone (including fit/healthy/in-shape people), always combines the two. Have you ever been to a Birthday Party with no cake? Every Holiday is surrounded by food, too. I'm really going to work on changing this in my own life. 

WHOA! Calm down...I didn't say I was never eating cake again - don't be crazy.

 I want to celebrate successes and Holidays and Birthdays (and just have fin in general) in different ways - non food ways!

Ok, maybe not skydiving! 

How has everyone been doing on the challenge? I hope you didn't skip your 30 minutes like I did!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

120 Ounces of Blooming Violets

Day one: Goal Accomplished! 

Good news! I just finished doing 30 minutes (2 miles) of this:

And can I just tell you, Leslie whatever her last name is isn't really my cup of tea. Next time I'm definitely going to mute the TV and turn on my iPod. Anybody got any good workout jams to suggest?

Also, I've had 120 ounces of water today! I'm breaking my own rule and I'm drinking water right now! And I'm definitely not waiting until 12:30 to go to bed. Let's all cross our fingers and hope I don't pee myself. 

(don't worry...this probably won't happen to me)

Other exciting news today: the Violet that Keith bought me a year ago finally bloomed today!

And, I got a new mouse pad at work (old on the right, new on the left)! 

Ok, ok, I promise I will think of more exciting stuff to share with you. but for now I will leave you with my FAVORITE lunch (whole wheat sandwich round, banana, 2 tbsp peanut butter, and yoplait Strawberry yogurt! last thing! Did anyone else get in their 30 minutes of cardio and/or water? 

Drive By Lunch Post

I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I couldn't get on and tell you guys about my weekend! The Mormon temple was great - learned a lot! I did not, however get my workout in ( I know - HORRIBLE). I was too tired, busy, random excuse, blah blah. 

No more excuses!!! Working out is an essential part of my plan to get healthy. I have also been slacking the hydration department. Did you know that you are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces a DAY?!? Insane. I'll have to work up to that. (tip - if you are considering drinking this much water, you better stop drinking about 3 hours before bed - you know what I'm sayin?)

Plan/challenge for the next week:
  • get in at least 30 minutes of cardio EVERY day!
  • get all my water in every day (at least 100oz. a day)
Who's with me on these? C'mon - do it with me! Leave a comment saying if you are going to bust out the cardio, get your water in, or both! 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mormon Temple and Facebook

Happy Saturday!

Ever have those days when you are certain that you will die before five rolls around and you can leave work to start the weekend? Yesterday was like that. I couldn't wait to get the party started...woot woot! 

Last night was one of my weekly cheat meals.Some of you probably don't agree with cheat meals or see the point. Well, it's clear that those of you have never been fat. I'm JUST sayin'. Cheat meals are great for me because they help me stay focused during the week ('I don't have to eat that now - I can wait until my cheat meal this weekend'). And also, the day after the cheat meal, I feel more focused and ready for the next week. Maybe when I get a better handle on my food and really get the portion control thing down I will be able to skip my weekly cheat meal - but I'm a long way from that. 

Look...even they do it!

I am VERY excited about today's plans. We are going with some friends of ours (Jason and Tiffany) down to the big Mormon temple in Atlanta to take a tour (I'll take pictures for you if I can). 

And tomorrow...oh tomorrow...I can finally look at Facebook (that's right - I gave it up for lent. CRAZY...I know). I'm a total Facebook addict and I will probably be on there for hours catching up. 

And in between all the fabulousness I will be doing this video once today and once tomorrow (and sticking to my calories, of course):

I hope you guys have a great weekend! What are your plans?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Picture that changed everything...

Hey people! Here is the deal. My last name is Duff, I'm way to puffy (cute, right?)...and I'm finally doing something about it. Why now, you ask? A few weeks ago my husband, Keith, and I went up to Lake Acworth (a park) with some friends of ours. We went for a walk, watched their kids (we don't have any...yet!) play on the playground, and then we took some pictures. That is where things went wrong. Actually, that is where things went right! Because one specific picture gave me the kick in the pants that I needed, that I wanted, that I've been waiting for. I'm hesitant to share, but that's what I'm here here it is...the picture that changed everything:

HOLY CRAP!!! Let me just say....I was shocked! Is that really MY ass? I mean I never see myself from the back (who does). How could I have let this get SO out of hand. 

So, after crying for, like, 3 days (I mean it wasn't really three days), I decided that I had had ENOUGH. 

Enough of being tired all the time.
Enough of my body constantly aching. 
Enough of not being able to do all the things I want to do.

So I started. I started counting calories and working out (not as much working out as I should - I'm working on that). 

That was three weeks ago and I've lost 14.4 pounds (with a lot more to go).

And I'm not stopping. Until my ass looks like this:

So, there you have it! I'll share my struggles and victories all along the way - maybe inspire some people - who knows?!?