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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Doggy Diet

If you saw my facebook post:

You know that Keith and I have two new additions to our little family! 

El Jefe (or Tuggle) (or soon to be named), and Roxy!

I don't know if you can tell...but Boss is a little hefty. 

And by that I mean...he weighs about 3 times as much as he should.

I feel so bad for him...he can barely walk! 

So...we are on a doggy diet! We are all losing weight together. 

We take Jefe for a long walk twice a day, and we have him on strict portions of weight control food. It's nothing drastic...but we are putting in the work to get the little guy healthy!

Jefe's current stats:

Current weight: 17.6 pound
Goal weight: 6 lbs. 
Belly Measurement: 21.5 inches
Neck Measurement: 14 inches
Inches between belly and ground while standing: 3 inches

He's hoping to be bikini ready by next summer!

I'll update you monthly on his progress! 


  1. What a sexy doggie! Welcome to the weight loss wagon, El Jefe.

  2. Awwww! They're so cute!

    Well, at least El Jefe won't be able to out run you yet with a huge piece of poopoo in his mouth! (Can you tell we have issues with our pup?)

    Congrats on the new family additions!
