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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day After Birthday Weign In!

Good morning people!

Today's weigh in results:


Starting weight: 478
Last weeks weight: 455
Lost this week: -9
Total lost: 14

My graph:

How I'm feeling:

It's always disappointing when I see a gain - but I'm not going to stress out about it too much. I've had a great week, I've been eating well, working out, and getting plenty of rest. 

I'm pretty sure that water weight is responsible for 90% of my gain (the other 10% is because I did not count calories on my birthday yesterday). My wonderful parents took me to Red Lobster last night for my birthday dinner, and I had 3 of those yummy delicious biscuits with even more salty food (I'm still counting it as a victory though, because I didn't get Endless Shrimp - holler if you hear me!) - and I'm extra puffy this morning.

So today I will chug water, watch my salt intake, and that 9lbs. will probably be gonna by tomorrow or Friday!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Early Morning Workout

I DID IT!!! 
Words cannot describe how proud of myself I am. If you follow me on twitter, you know I've been trying to get to the gym before work for a WHILE. 

Yesterday morning, my alarm went off at 4:40am, like it does most every morning, and my immediate reaction was "NOOOO!" I even turned my alarm off and reset it for a later time. 

Then, I thought, "Well, I do have to pee - let me just think about it while I'm peeing..." (tmi?)

So, I was sitting there on the toilet for like 5 minutes arguing with myself, and finally I decided to put my clothes on, and see how I felt then. I told myself that if I put my clothes on, and I still wanted to go back to bed, that I would do it. 

When I got my clothes on, I decided to just walk to the car and then see how I felt. 

Once I got in the car - I was more awake, and felt sure I could make it! 

I got to the gym, and picked out a treadmill, turned on my Pandora, and started walking. 

While I was walking,  i made this mental list of why the gym is better in the mornings:
  • far less people
  • no waiting for equipment
  • everyone at the gym is not trying to put on a fashion show
  • it's cooler there in the mornings
I intended to do 1 hour of walking, and head home. I was feeling so great - then around minute 15 my foot started hurting. No, not my bone spur, but the bottom of my left foot. I was getting a blister. 

I tried to adjust my shoe and sock, but it didn't help. I knew I couldn't make it 1 hour and still be able to walk, so I made myself go for 30 minutes, and started my cool down. 

Final workout numbers:

My post workout look (sexy!):

 I hobbled to the car and I started to get frustrated. I got myself up, and to the gym, and then I had to deal with stupid blister pain. 

Why couldn't it be easier?

I stopped myself and realized that I was being a big baby. 

It's not easy. None of this is easy. It's not easy to count calories. It's not easy to go to the gym. And, it's not going to be easy to lose 300+ pounds. 

But it will be worth it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Filling Up My Bucket

 My feet and legs tend to get swollen very easily as we all learned in this post. In order to keep that to a minimum, I have to make sure I get my water in everyday - if I skip it, or if I don't drink enough, I end up with this: 

And that - well - it ain't purdy. 

In my mind I like to think of the extra fluid in my body as water in a bucket. Every moring, I wake up with a bucket that is half full, on the verge of tipping over. 

When I drink water, I add more water to the bucket. When I've drank (drunk? drunken? dranken?) enough water, then my bucket gets full, and tips over, keeping me from swelling up! 

It's sort of like a game show, or relay race - where one person has a tiny cup to fill up a huge bucket and the first person to fill up their bucket and make it tip over - wins! 

If I drink enough to fill up my bucket, I WIN! And by win...I mean my ankles and feet look like this (and don't hurt):

[Please ignore the crappy photo taken on my phone (and that my feet are in need of a pedicure).]

Now, if I eat salty foods - it makes my bucket bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER! And it takes more water to make it tip over. 

I hope my ramblings on buckets has not thoroughly confused/bored any of you. 

Please note: I am not a doctor or medical professional in any capacity - this bucket business is just a mental tool I use to keep me chuggin water. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In

Hello lovelies...

Today's weigh in results are:

(I'm going to work on my scale photography!) 

Starting weight: 478
Last weeks weight: 463
Lost this week: 7.8
Total lost: 22.8

How my weight loss chart looks:

Thoughts, feeling, concerns, etc:

WAHOO!!! :) I AM celebrating this loss - but still wondering how much more it could have been if I had worked out!

I'll find out next week! :)

Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Empty Plans and Broken Dreams

(Ok, so that title was a wee bit dramatic. :)

I feel guilty. I don't want to let you guys down. I don't want to let MYSELF down. I hate that I keep talking about getting more fitness - making plans and declarations (like here, here, and here) and not following through. 

I read other blogs where people work out morning, noon, and night - and I can't workout for 30 minutes? Now, since I've made myself my 30 day promise, my calorie intake has been spot on, but working out is an ESSENTIAL part of weight loss and health, and its a constant struggle for me. 

So I need your help - 

What motivates you to get to the gym?

What do you do to make the decision easier for yourself?

Tell me your tips! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What I Ate Wednesday - on Thursday

One Starbuck's light mocha, and 3 hard boiled eggs

Calories: 309, Carbs 21, Fat 17, Protein 22

Leftover homemade bar-b-q chicken pizza from last night (this is not actually MY pizza, but it looks a lot like it and I really wanted pics for all entries - I know, I'm crazy).

Calories 995, Carbs 101, Fat 21, Protein 25

Dark Chocolate Granola thin.

Calories 80, Carbs 11, Fat 4, Protein 1

Chicken Noodle soup and Ritz Crackers

Calories 600, Carbs 76, Fat 31, Protein 14

Bedtime Snack:
Cheddar Cheese Slice

Calories 80, Carbs 0, Fat 7, Protein 5

Totals: Calories 2064, Carbs 209, Fat 80, Protein 67

Where's the color? Clearly, a few adjustments need to be need. I am on track with calories but seriously lacking in the fruit/veggie department. 

What did YOU eat yesterday?

Do you have any ideas for sneaking veggies into meals?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First week, down!

My weigh in results from this morning:

 Starting weight: 478.0lbs.
Weight last week: 469.2 lbs
Lost this week: 6.2 lbs
Total lost: 15 lbs


I feel great! Week one went off without a hitch in spite of the holiday weekend, and celebrating my Dad's birthday on Saturday. 

I'm sorta feeling just like this:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hunger is Not an Emergency

I woke up Sunday morning and had a green smoothie around 9-ish. I decided that I would wait until 12 and have a snack, then have lunch at 2.

Around 11:30 I started to feel hungry. Not I-wanna-eat-so-I'm-telling-myself-I'm-hungry hunger...but real, actual hunger.

I panicked. "Oh crap, I'm hungry. I'ts not time to eat yet. I have to eat. I don't want my metabolism to slow down. If I eat now I'll be hungrier tonight because all my meals will be pushed up."


I caught myself. Being hungry (I'm talking about mild hunger - not starving myself, and I'm eating the proper calories for me), is not an emergency. I will not shrivel up and die if I feel hunger for 30 minutes until I eat my snack.

So, I drank some water and waited for a little while until it was time to eat.

Some of you might say that I should eat when I am hungry - but I just don't trust myself with that yet. Hopefully I will get there soon.

So, crisis averted - I started thinking...

Why did/do I react to hunger this way?

Is it because I've rarely (if ever) let myself feel hunger before I decided to change my life?

Am I the only person who feels this way at times?

Am I the most food obsessed person on the planet (sometimes I feel like it)?

Am I crazy?

Well, am I?

Friday, September 2, 2011

1st Official Weigh In

Oh. Sweet. Baby. Jesus - I'm really puttin' my balls out there on this one.

I'm scared to post this - so scared. I'm doing it though, because I feel as though it's an important part of my weight loss journey.  

Weigh in 9/1/2011:

Starting Weight: 478.0 lbs.
Current weight: 469.2 lbs.
Total loss: -8.8 lbs.

When I jumped on the scale yesterday morning and saw that I have gained SO MUCH of the weight back that I had lost - my first reaction was:

Then, I felt like this for about an hour: 

And now? Now I'm just like:

So...LET'S DO IT!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thirty Days

I hate excuses!
Listen, we all know I've been an absentee blogger. And we know that, usually - if someone has stopped talking/writing about something, they have stopped doing it. 

And I have.

I have no excuses. I've had to traumatic event to prevent me from continuing to do well and get to my goal - I just got lazy. Super Lazy. And now - I feel like crap. Absolute, total crap. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts...and it's my fault!!!

Turn around!

Sometimes, when you let yourself stop chasing your goals, you get down. And you  start to think things like:

"I have too much weight to lose"
"I'll never be able to do it"
"I'm too tired to change my situation"

And then, a few days ago, while I was all funk-i-fied i actually thought:

"You know what, maybe I should just take the rest of the year off and start again in January."

WHAT?!? Are you kidding me, self?!? You wanna throw away all the work you've done so far, and just gain all the weight back? What the HECK was I thinking?

Sadly, I have already gained a large chunk of it back (more on that tomorrow).

Bottom line: I need to get my shit together - with a quickness.

Plan of action!

"Goals without plans are just wishes."

Right now I am feeling extremely overwhelmed with the amount of time and effort it will take to get where I want to be.

So, Inspired by Skinny Emmie, I've decided to say focused and on track every day in September.

30 days. 

30 days to stay on the right track. I'm not planning past that right now. I'm just taking it one day at a time until I reach 30.

I'll count calories, drink water, workout like crazy, and write down every bite of food I put in my mouth.

Another step I'm taking - I've decided to post my weigh in's on my blog. I don't mean just "I lost x pounds this week". I mean, I picture of the scale - oh man - SCARY!

If I start to get overwhelmed I will just remind myself that it is only 30 days. And I can do just about anything for 30 days.