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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cookout and Farmer's Market (pic OVERLOAD)

Did ya'll have a fabulous weekend? 

I absolutely had one of the best weekends of my life. We saw The Hangover part 2, went on a date night, had a family cookout:

 Mama and I spiced up the hamburgers:
 Yvette (my sissy from another missy) brought flowers:
 Grace (Yvette's daughter) LOVES Keith
 She did let me hold her for one minute...
Then she saw Keith walk by, and had to go to him! (so cute..omg)
We had hamburgers and hotdogs... 
 My brother and Keith dressed alike (aww).
 Buck and Julie (my brother and sister) took pictures of each other taking pictures of each other taking pictures. 

 Amber (sis-in-law) showing Gracie pics of herself.
 We had blackberry cobbler...
 My portion:
 My sweet daddy:

We ended the weekend with a trip to the Cobb International Farmer's Market. My haul:

(2 bunches of bananas, watermelon, pineapple, local honey - to sweeten my green monsters [more on THAT tomorrow], carrots, 2 pints of strawberries, and a HUGUNGOUS bag of baby spinach - all of this for $21 - LOVE that place!!!)

Today I used my spinach and watermelon in dinner:
Toasted whole wheat bread, sharp cheddar slice, farm fresh eggs (seriously farm fresh - from my aunt and uncle's chickens!), deli turkey slice, and yummy watermelon! [approx. 430 calories]


What did YOU do this holiday weekend?

Friday, May 27, 2011

First Friday Weigh In!

Weigh in:

Today is the first official weigh in! 

Since Wednesday I have lost 1 pound

I'm back on track! I've had a great two days and I'm looking forward to a lot more days like this!

This Weekend:

This weekend we are going to the Farmer's Market for these:

YUM! We haven't decided if we are going to the Cobb International Farmer's Market in Smyrna, or to the weekly Farmer's Market on the Marietta Square. 

Have you been to either? What did you think? Can anyone suggest any other Farmer's Markets in the Marietta area?

At some point this weekend we will be having a cookout with the family! Haven't decided what day yet. 

Also, we are going to see the Hangover 2. SO excited to see it - loved the first movie! 

What are your plans for the Holiday weekend?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gained, Hair, and Healthy Food


So... I weighed myself this morning...and just as I suspected - I have gained weight. 

That's what happens when you only kinda sorta follow your plan. I feel guilty. 

I can't dwell on it though. I just have to learn from it and move forward. 

I Need Your Advice

 I've been eating a low calorie diet - and not adjusting what types of foods I eat (for example I had an oatmeal creme pie for breakfast). I would like to try to work in more healthy food (organic and such), but as I'm sure you all know, it's expensive!

Any tips for health food on a budget?


Now, those of you on my facebook saw my status yesterday that said I drank 250oz. of water before leaving work. 

I know you were afraid that I might drown myself (literally). Thank you all for being concerned! I did a little research and it turns out I'm just fine. It's not really the amount of water you drink that is harmful, it's how fast you drink it. I paced myself all day and exceeded my goal of drinking half my weight in ounces. But, just to be safe, I will probably bring it on down to 150-200oz a day (I'm at 75oz right now). 

Now, on to more exciting things...I got my hair cut! 

Listen, try not to be jealous of my necklace. 

This photo reminds me - I want to do before pictures for you all to see. I want to be able to look back and SEE progress (not just on the scale). Although I'm nervous (scared crapless) to share them with you, I think it's an important step. I will probably tackle that this weekend. 

Tonight, I'm making spaghetti for dinner. 

What are you having? Anything healthy?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So...I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks (or so). Partially because I always forget on Friday mornings, and mostly because I don't want to see a gain. I haven't been full on cheating...

...but I haven't been completely on track. 

I've decided I need accountability. I need you. 

Tomorrow morning I am going to weigh in. Then Friday morning (and every Friday morning following), I am going to weigh in, and post the results. 

That way, when I feel like skipping a workout, or eating something bad (or too much of something good - is half a cup of peanut butter too much for my sandwich?), I will think of Fridays. And think of you. 

So good, bad, or ugly: I will post every weigh in. 

What's the point of this blog if I don't put it all on the table? 

Being unhealthy and treating myself badly (unhealthily - is that a word?) has been my dirty little secret (I mean it wasn't really a secret - people could look at me and tell) for so's time to let it out!

Do you have any dirty little secrets that you wanna let out?

Monday, May 23, 2011


There are so many things I want:

-I want to wear beautiful clothes-
-I want to be healthy-
-I want to live past 40-
-I want to not be afraid to ride in a friends car because the seat belt might not fit-
-I want to feel like I'm attractive-
-I want to NOT think about food all the time-
-I want strangers to NOT notice me in the grocery store-
-I want to ride roller coasters-
-I want to have children-
-I want to go to plays, musicals and concerts without fear I won't fit in the seat-

There are SO many things I want. That's why I can't give up. I can't ever give up. 

"It's never too late to have the life you were meant to have, or be the person you were meant to be."

What do you want?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Biking, Foot and Mothers

Update on my foot:

I haven't had any activity since I found out about my bone spur. I've been resting, taking my anti-inflamatory, and waiting for my foot to get better. It feels better,  but I still have a little pain - nothing unbearable. 

So tonight...I'm jumping back on the activity wagon. I'm going to the gym in our apartment complex and I'm going to get some fitness!

I'm hoping my foot won't hurt too bad when I'm done. (totally wish I had a BRIGHT YELLOW jumpsuit like this - add it to your list of ideas for my birthday gifts, Keith!)

In other news, I did not weigh in on Friday, because I thought I might have gained weight since I couldn't get any activity in - and I just don't want to see a big gain. 

Because the truth is - I think that might send me into a tailspin of eating everything and just not caring about my health for a few days (or however long it takes me to regain control). I know that's not a healthy way to look at the scale, but right now I'm just doing all I can to stay on track. 


drinking my water, 

watching my diet (I mean how great is Veggie Tales, btw?),

and getting my 8 hours of sleep in. 

Right amount of sleep + good diet + water + EXERCISE = weight loss and healthiness


I'm missing the exercise right now but I'm getting on it tonight (this is a common theme here, I know - I'm working on it - GEEZ - give a girl a break!).  

Weekend recap even though it's Tuesday:

Saturday Keith and I went to my parents house and Keith made my mom dinner for Mother's day. We ended fairy late and missing s birthday party we were supposed to go to (sorry Michael :( ). It was a great time with the fam!

Sunday we stayed home and I rested my foot (it was sore from standing a long while on Sunday helping Keith cook). 

Now the week is here and Monday definitely came too fast!

How was your weekend? What did you do for your mom for Mother's day? (or what was done for you?)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Very Large Jagged Heel Spur

I took ya'lls (is that a word?) advise and went to the doctor this morning about my foot.

Sexy, huh? (but why is my second toe so long?!?)

 They took x-rays and told me that I have a  "very large, jagged" bone spur in my heel. 

OUCH! (this is not my real foot)

So my doctor prescribed me an anti-inflammatory that should (hopefully) help with the pain. If that doesn't work to take the pain away, I will have to have surgery to remove the spur. 

The doctor said I could resume normal activity as long as I wasn't in pain. He also said it will help when I lose weight because not as much pressure will be on my heel (and he was very impressed with the weight I have already lost since my last visit - YAH). 

I'm going to switch to activity that doesn't put as much pressure on my feet - like biking, swimming, and water aerobics (thanks for the suggestions!). 

Any more ideas for low impact activity?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Apples, Cranberries, and Almonds - oh my!

Hello, cats and kittens! 
This weekend was very eventful and I managed (barely) to only have the one planned cheat day. It was Friday night and it was great! We had a few people over to watch day 2 of the NFL draft - had a great time. 

Saturday was a day of rest and relaxation. The only thing I did was go to Wal-Mart for a few groceries. 

On Sunday I woke up and went to my parents house. Keith was not feeling well so he stayed home. My parents and I had a delicious dinner - of grilled steak and chicken, suddenly salad, and corn on the cob.

steaks on the grill

chicken and steak

my plate (approx 700 calories)

We had pie for dessert (my piece was smaller than it looks - I mean the camera does add 15 lbs.).

After spending some time with my parents I came home to check on Keith and get ready for the week.

Today I tried (for the first time) the most amazing granola! It's quaker brand - apple, cranberry and almond. I highly recommend it


After work I swung by my parents house (it's right on the way home) and walked with my mom. Now, I usually don't like to work out outside (it's hot - eww), but it's time to get movin! Sweating is good for you, right? I got home a little while ago.

I'm tired:

And a little upset:

I've been having pain in my left foot along the outside bottom and on my heal. About halfway through the walk my foot started hurting pretty badly. I had to slow down and I'm just frustrated because I wanted to keep going and power through. I mean, I only completed 1 mile today. The rest of my body was fine. just that stupid foot. GRRR!

I have to start taking serious chunks out of that 88 miles if I'm going to reach my goal this month! I want to reward myself if when I reach 88. 

What are some non-food rewards you give yourself for a job well done?

Any ideas to ease my foot pain during my walks?